
Prosecutor General of Russia Igor Krasnov and Prosecutor General of the Republic of Azerbaijan Kamran Aliyev signed a cooperation program
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Igor Krasnov and Kamran Aliyev held a working meeting in St. Petersburg.

Welcoming his foreign colleague, the Prosecutor General of Russia expressed his gratitude that he found the opportunity to join the SPIEF-2023 and speak at the session organized by the Russian prosecutor's office.

The head of the Russian supervisory agency noted that given the convergence of the economies of the two states, the increase in trade turnover and joint business projects, the issues of protecting business from administrative pressure, ensuring that the rights of investors and entrepreneurs are respected are becoming even more relevant.

“At the end of May, the Presidents of Russia and Azerbaijan in Moscow agreed on the further development of Russian-Azerbaijani allied cooperation on a wide range of issues. According to Vladimir Putin, the potential for such cooperation is very high. I am convinced that this fully applies to our inter-prosecution contacts,” the Prosecutor General of Russia emphasized.

Igor Krasnov noted that the agreements reached between the countries in the scientific and educational sphere are being actively implemented.

Specific words of gratitude were expressed by the Prosecutor General of Russia for the work carried out by the Azerbaijani prosecutor's office to investigate acts of vandalism committed at the Russian cemetery in Baku. “As a result, the perpetrator has been identified and brought to justice. The promptness with which the Azerbaijani authorities restored the destroyed graves testifies to their unconditional loyalty to the principles of humanism, ethnic and social equality, and, of course, we consider this a demonstration of respect for our country,” the head of the Russian supervisory agency said.

During the meeting between Igor Krasnov and Kamran Aliyev in January 2021, a bilateral cooperation program for 2021–2023 was signed, which is being successfully implemented.

“Of course, such an exchange of practices has a positive effect on the effectiveness of the work of prosecutors, so I consider it important to continue interaction in this format and sign a new Cooperation Program for a two-year period,” said the head of the Russian supervisory agency. “It includes topical areas of bilateral cooperation regarding the use of modern technologies and the digitalization of prosecutorial activities, the specifics of supervising the activities of military justice bodies, and a number of others.”

The Prosecutor General of Russia thanked his colleague for his personal principled depoliticized position in building interaction with the Russian side, confirming the focus on the comprehensive development and improvement of professional dialogue.

As a result of the event, having confirmed the intention to build up a constructive dialogue in various areas of supervisory activities, the Prosecutors General of Russia and Azerbaijan signed the Cooperation Program for 2024-2025. The document provides for meetings on the exchange of experience in the field of protecting socially vulnerable categories of the population, countering the illegal transfer of digital financial assets abroad, including cryptocurrencies, the use of modern technologies in the activities of prosecutors, as well as the supervisory activities of military prosecutors.

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